Question: In the future do you think we will be able to clone thing in our backyard? Or will we be able to by things that have the skin of one fruit but the inside of another?

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  1. Hi Clairem,

    Yes, I believe genetically modified produce will be common place in the future. As for specific answers on GM plants and fruit, Harjeet, Brent and Domi will be able to answer that better.



  2. Hi Clairem
    No, I don’t think cloning in the backyard is likely to happen, it is bit more complex than that. And I don’t think anyone is planning on cheating you by putting something else inside the skin if that is what you mean 🙂 You will probbaly see new fruits and vegetables maybe some with new colours and flavours; you’ll have more choice.


  3. Hi Clairem,
    I’m not sure we want that to happen in the context your referring to. You can clone a plant now in your backyard when you take a cutting from a plant and propagate it. I assume we will have many plants and animals that have some aspect of their previous history that has undergone cloning of some sort. Its important this is done safely and the proper care is done in order to not create something that is harmful or potentially dangerous.


  4. You have a good imagination of what might be possibilities. I frankly would not want to do cloning in my backyard, get the experts to do it!

