Question: What is the biggest project you've ever worked on?

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  1. Hey Baggas,

    The biggest project I have ever worked on in terms of time has been my PhD. I worked hard on the same research topic for 3 years straight. The biggest project I have worked on in terms of resources has been an animal welfare training program that is being developed by industry to improve animal welfare in the Middle East and Asia.


  2. The current project I am working on has been going on since 2005 and will probably go on till 2018. We have already spent more than 10 million dollars on it and will probbaly spend another 10 in next 5 years. It is collaboration between Australia, Africa and India but we have partners in USA and Mexico too and we are working towards eradication malnutrition by biofortifying staple food crops.


  3. Hi baggas,

    Basically I’m still working on the same research program I started during my PhD. That’s close to 16 years now – I think this could be called a big project.


  4. wow my collegues have been working on some long term and very large projects. I have worked on large mapping projects for the government.

