Question: Where does nomadic life still exist in the world today?


  1. Hi cloudstrife
    I’m not sure it still does.


  2. Long distance and wandering pastoral agriculture is still practiced, but only under very difficult conditions, for example in some arid areas and in the tundra. The modern day nomads do it usually in a motorized form.


  3. I think there is some in Mongolia and Africa but is more and more constrained by boundaries so limiting the nomadic frontiers


  4. Hey Cloudstrife,

    You’ve got some great ag questions!

    I like Harjeet’s answer. I think there is still some nomadic farming in the Middle East too. I did have a quick google on nomadic lifestyles and found this interesting article:

    I haven’t read the whole thing yet, but was interested to see the statistic that nomadic farming may be 20% more efficient in Africa, compared to the extensive pastrol systems of Australia. I’d be interested to see some of the data (and environmental differences) on that one!

