Question: What do people in the middle east do to animals like cows/lambs to kill them for meat?

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  1. Hi Danig,

    If I understand your question, you want to know about the religious slaughter of animals? Islam has a law that you must kill animals in a way that is Halal in order for muslim people to be able to eat it. Essentially, this means that God must be thanked for providing the animal, you need to treat the animal in a humane way, and the practice must be hygienic.

    I answered another question on live export earlier on by Katies. Maybe have a read of that if your question was actually more directed to animal welfare? Otherwise, please post another question if you need more information



  2. Danig, Bec is the best person for that question and she has answered it.


  3. 0

  4. Hi Danig,
    Yes Rebecca is your best bet for this question.

